Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be nice to the barman.

One very important lesson to learn is "be nice to the barman". He is not a machine, he is usualy just another fellow "cheerer" making his way through life and most of them are friendly and sociable guys who, just like myself and most of you, enjoy to have a good time in a bar.

But complimenting them or starting a campain to tip more is not the point I want to make. I'm concerned on how often people seem to forget my previous statement, specially when ordering drinks, and even more frequent, when ordering drinks for someone else.

This is a recomendation to my fellow bar dwellers, specially the girls.  When you meet someone, and they offer to buy a drink, just take good notice of how they treat the barman and that will give you a very good idea of how they really are when they are not trying to impress you.

I've observed this already many times, and our dear friends the barmans, are subject to a lot of casual, but mostly not ill meant neglection by those too focused on getting something out of this night. And I usualy find it hilarious from my spectator seat.

A good person should treat everyone the same, from the one you are buying a drink for, to the one you are buying the drink from. At the end, both serve a purpose and have something you want, so there is no room for preferences in my humble opinion.

Character comes from how you treat those who don't have something you want. So watch it! others will.

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